Chaplain Candidate Onboarding

toward Board Certification

Welcome to our chaplain candidate onboarding process. Your successful completion of these steps to board certification are our top priority. We are ready to assist by answering your questions and helping you navigate the process

Below is the Onboarding Chaplaincy Checklist. We prefer not to schedule appointments before we have two references on file, but we are flexible.

Please feel invited to enter into dialogue with us at any point in your journey by emailing

Onboarding Chaplaincy Checklist:

  1. Complete the course Becoming a Board Certified Chaplain from Visiting Chaplains ($120.00) or complete the same sort of training from a different but reputable chaplaincy oriented organization.

  2. References: Please ask 2 people to send a reference to National Service Charity using the email  Ask them to say something about your faith commitments, ethics and a willingness to be a life learner.

  3. Get a background check and forward at least the first page to (Cost is $38.95)

  4. Fill out your online application at We also have a PDF copy of our application which you might want to download and use as a reference before beginning the online form.

  5. Schedule your phone interview at

  6. Handling the application and paying a retired chaplain to do the interview costs $75.00. Make that payment here

 Download & Print the Onboarding Chaplaincy Checklist Worksheet